How to Set the Auto-Reject Option on Samsung Android Phones

Auto-reject is a useful feature available on Samsung Android phones that allows users to automatically reject incoming calls from specific numbers. This feature can help users avoid unwanted calls, spam, or persistent telemarketers. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up the auto-reject option on your Samsung Android phone, including adding numbers to the auto-reject list and customizing the auto-reject action.

Accessing Auto-Reject Option on Samsung Android Phones:

To begin, accessing the auto-reject option on your Samsung Android phone is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Call Settings: Open the Phone app on your Samsung Android phone and tap on the three-dot menu located at the top-right corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings” or “Call Settings.”
  • Select Auto-Reject Option: Within the Call Settings menu, locate and tap on the “Auto-Reject” option. It may be labeled as “Call Rejection” on some Samsung models.

Setting Up Auto-Reject Option on Samsung Android Phones:

Once you have accessed the auto-reject option, you can proceed with adding numbers to the auto-reject list and customizing the auto-reject action. Here’s how:

Adding Numbers to the Auto-Reject List:

  • a. Manually Adding Numbers: Tap on the “Auto-Reject List” or “Rejection List” option within the Auto-Reject settings. Then, select “Add” or the “+” icon and enter the phone number you wish to add to the list manually.
  • b. Adding Numbers from Call Log: Instead of manually entering the phone number, you can add numbers directly from your call log. Open your phone’s call log, long-press the desired number, and choose the “Add to Auto-Reject List” or similar option from the pop-up menu.

Customizing the Auto-Reject Action:

The auto-reject action determines how your phone handles incoming calls from numbers on the auto-reject list. Here are the available options:

  • a. Sending a Message to the Caller: Some Samsung Android phones allow you to send a predefined text message to the caller when their call is rejected. Within the Auto-Reject settings, select “Auto Reject Mode” or similar, and choose the option to send a message. Customize the message if desired.
  • b. Silencing the Ringer and Rejecting the Call: This option will silence the ringer and reject the call automatically, without any notification or alert on your screen. Look for the “Auto Reject Mode” or similar setting, and select the option to silence the ringer.
  • c. Automatically Rejecting Calls without Alerting the User: With this option, your phone will automatically reject incoming calls from numbers on the auto-reject list without generating any notifications or alerts on your device. Check for the “Auto Reject Mode” or similar setting, and choose the appropriate option.

Disabling Auto-Reject Option on Samsung Android Phones:

If you wish to disable the auto-reject option or remove specific numbers from the auto-reject list, follow these steps:

  • Turning Off the Auto-Reject Option: Return to the Auto-Reject settings, locate the toggle switch labeled “Auto Reject” or similar, and slide it to the off position.
  • Removing Numbers from the Auto-Reject List: To remove specific numbers from the auto-reject list, access the Auto-Reject List settings, long-press the number you want to remove, and select “Remove” or the trash bin icon.

Troubleshooting Auto-Reject Issues on Samsung Android Phones:

If you encounter any issues with the auto-reject feature, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure Compatibility: Check if your Samsung Android phone model and its operating system version support the auto-reject feature. Some older or budget models may not have this functionality.
  • Restart Your Device: Occasionally, a simple restart can resolve any software glitches. Turn your phone off and then on again to see if it resolves the issue.
  • Keep Your Phone Updated: Make sure your Samsung Android phone is running the latest software updates. Install any available updates to ensure optimal performance.
  • Contact Customer Support: If the issues persist, it’s advisable to reach out to Samsung customer support for further assistance and guidance.


Setting up the auto-reject option on your Samsung Android phone provides an efficient way to manage unwanted calls and spam. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add numbers to the auto-reject list and customize the auto-reject action to suit your preferences. Remember, if needed, you can always disable the auto-reject option or remove specific numbers from the auto-reject list. Enjoy a more hassle-free calling experience on your Samsung Android phone with the auto-reject feature.

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