How to Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy A03s?

The Samsung Galaxy A03s is a popular smartphone known for its impressive features and user-friendly interface. One essential feature of any smartphone is the ability to capture screenshots. Screenshots allow us to capture and save important information, share funny moments, or troubleshoot issues. In this article, we will explore different methods to take screenshots on the Samsung Galaxy A03s and learn how to save and share them effortlessly.

I. Using the Hardware Keys to Take a Screenshot:

Taking screenshots using the hardware keys is the most common and straightforward method. Follow these simple steps:

  • Locate the desired screen: Open the app or screen you want to capture.
  • Press the buttons: Simultaneously press and hold the volume down button and the power button. Hold them for a moment until you see a brief animation or hear a shutter sound.
  • Notification and gallery: A notification will appear, indicating that the screenshot has been captured. You can directly access the screenshot from the notification or find it in the “Screenshots” folder in your phone’s gallery.

Note: If you find it challenging to press both buttons simultaneously, try pressing the volume down button slightly earlier than the power button.

II. Taking a Screenshot Using Palm Swipe Gesture:

Samsung devices offer a convenient palm swipe gesture to capture screenshots. To enable and utilize this feature on your Galaxy A03s, follow these steps:

  • Enable palm swipe gesture: Go to “Settings” and select “Advanced features.” Find and toggle on the “Palm swipe to capture” option.
  • Capture the screenshot: Open the desired screen and position your hand vertically on either side of the device’s edge. Swipe your hand horizontally across the screen, ensuring that your palm makes contact with it. You should see a visual animation or hear a shutter sound, indicating a successful screenshot.

III. Saving and Sharing Screenshots:

After capturing a screenshot, it’s crucial to know where to find it and how to share it with others. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Accessing screenshots: You can access your screenshots directly from the notification that appears after capturing or locate them in the “Screenshots” folder within your phone’s gallery app.
  • Sharing options: Once you have the screenshot ready, you can share it via various platforms such as social media, messaging apps, or email. Tap the sharing icon within the gallery app, select your preferred platform, and follow the prompts to share your screenshot effortlessly.

IV. Troubleshooting Common Issues:

While capturing screenshots is generally a seamless process, you may encounter occasional challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Volume or power button not working: If you find your hardware buttons unresponsive, ensure that they are clean and not physically damaged. Alternatively, you can use palm swipe gestures as an alternative method.
  • Accidental screenshots: If you often take accidental screenshots, it is possible to disable the palm swipe gesture or adjust your hand placement to minimize unintended captures.

V. Youtube video “2 Ways To Take Screenshots”


Capturing screenshots on your Samsung Galaxy A03s is a simple yet powerful feature that allows you to save and share important moments or information. Whether you prefer using the hardware keys or palm swipe gestures, both methods are easily accessible and convenient. By following the steps provided in this article, you can effortlessly capture, save, and share screenshots and make the most out of your Samsung Galaxy A03s experience.

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